Friday, December 11, 2009

chapter 1 review . INDENTIFICATION

1.incarnation, brith, life, death, resurrection , and ascension
2.1700 years before Christ
3.Ham, Shem, Japheth
4.Nimrod"the rebel"
5.The Tower of babel
6.Sumerians and Egyptians.
7.Asia, Alaska, Russia.

1.History- the wriiten record, the memory of mankind.; because I you didnt study history, then noone would know where they came from. knows right from wrong; language and thought,and freedom to make choices.
4.ancient , medieval, and modern history.
5.ancient history; hiatory to come: medieval- history that came already; modern- the present
6.civil governemt- society
7.beause without that we would hace the neccessities of life,
8.languages, an

chapter 1 review TERMS

AD- anno domini; BC- Before Christ
evolution-a fabled proccess or progressicve change dependant on chance and time, with the orgin o fthe Earth
government-institution that gas bith authority and power to control and direct nations.
severeign-that God has supreme rule over all nations.
deluge-after the flood.
capital punishment-
postdiluvian- after the flood
plain of shinar-where noah's ark had came to rst, mesopotamia
9. babel-baylon.where man rebelled and was dispersed
10.humanism- the worship of man
11. nation- a alarge group of people who think and act of themselves as one .
12.race-people with the same skin color, shape of head,color or hair, and share many physical features.
13. Indo -european-indians from europe

chapter 1 review

Thursday, December 10, 2009

assignment #40

Here is your blog assignment for after you finish your Ch. 14 Test:
1) Read pp. 256-259
2) Complete SR 1 on Page 259 plus Identify
1.the peasants lived under the hardship of their feudal lords and they had tried to revolt several times before the revolution but each time they were defeated; the nobles responded harshly and crushed the peasants taking back what little freedom they had to begin with.
2.He gave the Lutherans until April 1531 to return to the Roman church or face war; the Peace of Augsburg; 1555 each prince would decide which religion their province would be.
3. Counter-Reformation; to produce certain limited changes(mostly in the morals if the clergy) within the Roman church.
4.Jesuits; to form a group of men absolutely dedicated tothe pope and the Roman church.
5. They spread Romanism.
Augsburg Confession-

4) Read pp. 260-263
5) Complete SR 2 on Page 263 plus Identify

Monday, November 30, 2009

chapter 13 blog test

1) Complete the following from Chapter 13 Review on page 238 in your book. Post answers to your blog.
a) PEOPLE - do #'s 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 19, 25, 26, 28, 30, 33, 39, 42
1.celts- the earliest known inhabitants of the british isles.
2.Jutes-germanic tribes
angles-germanic tribes
saxons-germanic tribes
5.alfred the great-the 1st great king of england
8.harold godwin-most powerful king of england
9.Wiliam the conquerer-won the battle of hastings , king of england.
19. Joan of arc-was burned at the stake. a peasant girl who united france and led the french army into battle .
25. hugh capet-the french chose him to be king, and he began the capetian line.
26. Louis VI- he strengthened the kings power and the Ile-de-France.
28.Louis IX-Philip's grandson, became France's most memorable king.
30.boniface VIII-a pope who fought with philip the VI.
33-ferdinand and isabella- they married and united Aragon and castile.
39.marco polo-son of italian merchant; explorer
42. Christopher Columbus-an italian navigator that tried to find the east indies

2) Answer the following questions and post to your blog:
Who were the earliest known inhabitants of the British Isles? celts
What were the dates of the Hundred Years’ War? 1337-1453
Which Germanic tribe conquered Spain in the 5th century? visigoths

Which name did the Romans give to Spain? hispania
These were Muslims from North Africa who invaded Spain: moors
What does “reconquista” mean?re-conquest
Name 4 nations that developed in Europe during the Middle Ages. :france, spain, england, and portugal.
What is the name of the monument in Southern England that may have been an ancient Celtic worship site? stonehenge.
Which Germanic tribe named England? The Angles.
Which Anglo-Saxon poet lived in the 7th century? (Hint: There’s a Christian band named after him) Caedmon.
Who was crowned king of France in 987 AD? Hugh Capet.
Which French king was St. Louis, MO named after? Louis IX.
What was the French Estates-General composed of? (List them out) First- clergy; Second- nobles; Third- commoners.
Which peninsula is Spain located on? Iberian Peninsula.
Name 3 Germanic tribes. Celts, Carthaginians, and Visigoths.
Which countries fought during the Hundred Years’ War? Who won?England and France; France.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Joan of Arc

I would rather die than do something which I know to be a sin, or to be against God's will.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

section review 2 chap 13

1. Henry II- he held the territories of anjou and aquataine France .
2. King John; treachery, selfishness, and cruelty.
3. It is one of the most imp. documents in the history of the world.
. it forbade the king to levy new taxes wo the agreement of the great councis of nobles.
. the king promised not to deny or delay justice to anyone, noble or not.
. the king promised not to imprison a man "except by the legal judgment of his peers or by the law of the land", further establishing the precedent for the right to trial by jury and due process of law.
4. Montfort; 1265.
5. Edward I.
6. because the independence of Scotland began with the victory of bannockburn.
7. Edward II; Parliament.
8.The Hundred Years War, the people of England further developed and unified as a nation, parliament expanded its powers and became a vital part of english government, parliament divided into two institutions.
9.1337-1453; Crecy, Poitiers and Agincourt; The French won the war and england was defeated.
10. Richard II; he played the tyrant; Henry IV; The House of York.
11. 1455; Edward IV.
12. 1485 and Henry Tudor defeated the last York ruler and became Henry VII.

Richard I- Henry II son that succeeded him.
Eleanor of aquitaine- Richard's mother, maintained the realm, aided by the stable government and justice system that her husband Henry II had established.
constitution- rules for excersise and restraint of governemental power.
HenryIII- became king of england in 1216.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Study Guide

Here is your Chapter 12 Study Guide. Be familiar with the following terms/people for your Chapter 12 Test on Wednesday. Complete this study guide and post your answers to your blog for 25 points:

1.feudalism-a way of life based on the ownership and use of land.
2.fief - a piece of land held by one man called a lord.
3.lord - permitted another man(vassal)to use it in return for promised services.
vassal - worked the land for the lord in return for promised services.
knight - heavily armed warriors, wore full body armor, mounted of horses, provided the heart of the kings military force.
chivalry - the code of conduct for the nobility and the knights; good qualities of a warrior-strength, courage, loyalty, treat women with respect.
heraldry - colorful and unique emblems , symbols, and designs displayed on armor , shields , and banners.
castle -heavily fortified dwellings built by nobles; surrounded by a moat; could only be entered by a drawbridge.
joust -two knights fought to knock eachother off their horses.
tournament -groups of knights fought a mock battle that lasted an entire day.
manor - estates that belong to the nobles
serf -farmers that worke d on the manors.
Truce of God - the church forbade fighting from friday through sunday of each week.
Peace of God -priests denied the sacraments t6o persons who robbed churches, took a serfs property, or killed a noncombatant during battle.
burg = city/town; communty of a traveling merchants.
middle class -burghers; b/w nobility and peasants.;expansion of trade.
trade fair -merchants came from all over; towns like leipzig Germany.
guild -consisted of merchants , artisans, craftsmen.
black death -form of the bubonic plague.;Europe devasted ; 25 million people died bw 1334 and 1351 which is almost half of Europe's population.infected fleas on rats spread the disease.
Chaucer -wrote the canterbury tales and recongnized as one of england's greatest poets.
trivium -made up of grammar, rhetoric, and logic.
quadrivium- made up of arithmetic , music, geometry, and astronomy.
scholasticism- theology(roman catholic style)+ greek philosophy (aristotle)
Brethren of the Common Life -christian group founded by the gerhard groote in 1380; all about bible reading, prayer, serving others, and personal devotion; founded schools for kids.
humanism -the worship of humans.
patron -people who useed their own money to support arts.
Sistine Chapel- michelangelo's famous paintings are on the ceilings and walls ; spent four years
Medicis -powerful and influential Florentine family; "Godfathers" of the Renaissance; influenced politics and economics from the 1300s until the 1700s;supported Michelangelo; patrons.
Thomas Aquinas - lived 1225-1274;spoke slowly, called a "dumb ox", but had a brilliant mind.
William of Ockham - 1285-1349; educated at oxford; said the Bible was the ultimate authority.
John Wycliffe - 1320-1384; "Morining star of the reformation"; thought pope's claim of absolute authority over church was wrong; the pope had wycliffe arrested but he didn't waver in his opinion; completed the 1st translation of the bible into english in 1382; his followers were called "lollards"; he was harrassed by Roman church leaders during the last years of his life; more than 30 yrs. after his death the pope commanded that wycliffe's bones be dug up and burned.
John Huss - 1369-1415; follower of wycliffe; the Roman church condemned him and burned him at the stake; his followers were called "Hussites".
Gerhard Groote - he founded the Brethren of the Common Life.
Dante - wrote Divine Comedy (one of the few medieval literature that is still widely read today)
Petrarch - " Father of humanism"
Bocaccio - wrote The Decameron.
Michelangelo -considered the greatest artist of the Renaissance; supported by the Medici family; his famous paintings are on the ceilings and walls of the Sistine Chapel ( he spent 4 yrs. on his back painting gigantic scenes on the ceiling); also well known for marble statues.
Flanders - primary centers of trade for wool; called "Flemish stuffs".
Machiavelli - wrote The Prince.
Giotto -a famous artist of the Renaissance.
DaVinci -aka " Renaissance man" (one who displays talents in all fields); he was a painter, sculptor, musician, inventor, engineer, and best remembered for the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper.
Prague- University of Prague, Germany is the oldest German university and was founded in 1348.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Assignment # 36

Complete Chapter 12 Section Review 1 plus Identify was a way of life based upon the ownership and use of land.
2.a vassal worked for the Lord.
3.They were made of stone and bricksthey had moats and a drawbridge;The casltes defenders stood on top of the walls and turrets, raining arrows, rocks, boiling tar, or oil.
4.jousting tournaments, falconry.
5.peasant farmers ; they were poor and didnt have anything.
6.truce of God and peace of God.

feudalism-a way of life based upon the ownership and use of land.
king- at the top of the feudal system.
crownland- the land the kings kept for their personal use.
knight- heavinly armed warriors, weraing full body armor and mounted on horses.
chilvary- the code of conduct for the noblity and the knights.
heraldry-coat of arms.
manor-estates that belonged to the nobles.
demesne-the Lords field.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Assignment #35

Complete Chapter 9 Section Review 2 plus Identify on page 147
1. Tertullian.
2.Paul and Peter; Paul-beheaded and Peter- crucified upside down.
3.Domitian;refused to pray to the emperor but prayed for him; John.
4.vast, subterranean galleries beneath the city of Rome; They used them for refuge, worship, and burial.
5.Trajan; Ignatius.
6.Justin Martyr and Blandina.
7.Septimus Severus; Irenaeus, Perpetua, and Felicitas.
8.Valerian and Aurelian; Cyprian of Carthage.
9.He outlawed Christianity and ordered a systematic search that swept away hundreds of Biblical manuscripts in Asia Minor and Syria; the goal was to eradicate Christianity from the face of the earth, cities of Christians were burned down and tons of believers were fed to wild beasts.
10. Edict of Milan; 313 AD.

martyr-Christians that were tortured and killed folr their faith.
Book of the Revelation-Apocalypse.
Polycarp-the aged bishop of Smyrna who was arrested and martyred in 155 AD.
Maximinus Thrax- emperor of the sixth persecution.
Decius- emperor during the seventh peresecution.
Origen- a Christian philosopher and theologian from Alexandria.
Maximian- Diocletian's co-emperor during the tenth persecution.
Galerius- emperor that, in 311, he proclaimed the toleration of Christians in the east.
Constantine I- did the Edict of Milan.

3) Complete Chapter 9 Section Review 3 plus Identify on page 150
1.Clement of Rome;Ignatius, Polycarp, and Papias.
2.Arsitides-Apology to Antonius Pius; Justin Martyr-Apology to Antonius Pius ; Tatian- Address to the Greeks.

3.Irenaeus; Against all Heresies.
6.the Latin Vulgate.
7.Ambrose of Milan and John Chrysostom.
8. Augustine; "Confessions" and "City of God."
9.Apostle's Creed; Nicene Creed; and the Athanasian.
10. 325 AD;Constantinople,Chalcedon, and Ephesus.
11. Theodosius I; false converts filled the church; false converts were pagans and their views and practices found their way into the church.

church fathers-preachers and teachers who expounded the scriptures, defended the faith, and championed the cause of Christ.
apologists-early Christian writers who attempted to reasonably defend Christianity against pagan defamations.
Gnosticism-combined elements of Greek philosophy, Oriental religion, and Chrsitain theology.
Monarchianism-denied the doctrine of the Trinity.
creeds-confessions of faith.
Arianism-denied the deity of Christ.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Open book/notes test

Complete the following from the Chapter 9 Review, page 151.
a. People (#1-33 every other odd)
1.Messiah-"Anointed One" of God
5.Domitian- Roman emperor; proclaimed himself as "Dominus wt Deus"( Lord and God); demanded to be worshiped.
9. Marcus Aurelius-4th grest persecution; hated Christians; during his rule the common people began to cry.
13.Iraneaus-pupil of Polycarp and martyred during this time.
17.origen- a Christian philosopher from Alexandria.
21.Diocletian- ruled as Augustus in the east with his capital at Nicomedia in northwestern Asia Minor.
Maximian- became the Augustus of the west with his capital at Milan in northern Italy.
25. Aristides-a Christian apologists of the early church period.
29.Athanasius-he eloquently and passionately argued for the true deity of Chrsit at the council of Nicaea.
33.Theodosius I- Under him as emperor Christianity became the only legal faith the state religion of the Roman empire.

b. Terms (all)
Synagogue- local place of worship for the Jews.
Gentiles- non-Jew
proselytes- "converts"
martyr- Greek for witness; a person tortured of killed for their Christian faith.
Book of the Revelation-
catacombs- vast, subterranean galleries beneath the city of Rome where early Christians met.
Edict of Milan- Constantine I extended legal protection and recognition to Christians throughout the empire with this.
church fathers- preachers and teachers that God raised up to defend the faith and champion the cause of Christ and expound on the scriptures.
apologists- those who attempted to reasonably defend Christianity against pagan defamations
Monarchianism-denied the doctrine of the Trinity.
Latin Vulgate- the Bible of the early western church.
creeds-confessions of faith
Apostle's Creed- it develpoed between the second and the fifth centuries from the questions asked of new converts at their baptism.
Nicene Creed-rejected the teaching of Arianism, a false doctrine that denied the deity of Christ.
athanasian creed- was named for father Athanasius and was a third great creed.
Council of Nicaea- developed the Nicene creed.
Arianism- a false doctrine which denied the deity of Christ.
c. Chapter Concepts (#4)
1.during pax romana men could travel over millions of square miles of land or water without fear of passing through a foreign or enemy country because the gospel could travel quickly;
2.some converted to christianity .
3.nero - christians were crucified , torn to pieces by savage animals, covered with pitch and used as human torches in the emperors garden that night.;domitian demanded to be worshipped ; peter was crucified upside down; john was exiled to the island of patmos.

Complete the following from the Chapter 10 Review, page 159.
a. People (#1, 3, 5, 10)
b. Places (#1, 3)
c. Terms (#1, 3, 4)
d. Chapter Concepts (#1)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Assignment #34

Click on "Restricted Nations"
3) Answer the following questions:
What does "restricted nations" refer to? nations that aren't allowed to have christianity.
Where are most restricted nations?the middle east
Give me the names of 6 restricted nations and tell me why they are restricted.
1.Nigeria- Radical Muslims attack Christians.
2.Comoros- social discrimination
3.Qatar-Christianity is forbidden.
4.Sri Lanka- discrimination through taxation, employment, education.
5.Burma-uses severe forms of persecution on Christians.
6.China-Church property and Bibles were confiscated and Christians were harassed, questioned, arrested and imprisoned.

5) In your own words, tell me what VOM is.
a Christian organization that doesn't get any money for it.

6) Navigate the website to find out where VOM offices are stationed around the world.
Nigeria, South Africa,Poland, Italy,Finland, etc.

7) How can you help?
8) Who founded VOM? Pastor Richard Wurmbrand.
9), Gorbachev, Kohl Mark Berlin Wall's Fall
The reunion in Berlin of the three leaders at the center of the whirlwind of events kicked off a week of celebrations in the German capital marking the 20th anniversary of the opening of the Berlin Wall on November 9.
Bush, U.S. president from 1989-93, paid tribute in his speech to the countless thousands of courageous East Germans who risked persecution by attending mass protests to demand reform in the months leading up to the Wall's peaceful collapse.,2.Religious persecution in Eritrea If you are Catholic, Muslim, or a member of the Orthodox and Evangelical churches in Eritrea then it seems you can breathe easy.
However, those who believe and practise minority faiths are routinely persecuted, according to human rights groups.
Two years ago the Eritrean government introduced a registration system for religions which forced groups to submit information about themselves in order to be allowed to worship.
3.Eritrean Christians tell of torture An Eritrean refugee lies contorted on the ground. Balanced on his belly, his hands clutch his feet behind his back, bending his legs back almost double.
Paulus is demonstrating a torture technique known colloquially as "the helicopter". It is one he knows well. It was in this excruciating position, he claims, that soldiers left him tied up for 136 hours, in an attempt to force him to recant his faith. "They kept asking me to sign a document," he recalls, "and agree to not participate in church activities or express my faith in any form. I was told I would be untied and released the minute I agreed to their requests."
Paulus is an evangelical Christian from Eritrea, one of an increasing number fleeing the tiny Red Sea state because of religious persecution.

and 4.On the Docket Nov. 5: Persecution, Torture & Wrongful Convictions For much of the second half of the 20th century, the war between Ethiopia and Eritrea produced brutalities that led to the condemnation of the U.S. State Department. Especially brutal were the Eritrean conscription efforts. Alleged draft dodgers were thrown in jail and tortured. It is widely believed their treatment had nothing to do with shirking military service but was a form of religious persecution, especially against Protestant Christians. In 1994, Daniel Girmai Negusie was at a movie theater when Eritrean authorities conducted a conscription raid. He was eventually forced to spend six months in the Eritrean Navy before he was discharged.

5.Polygamist leader: Arrest is religious persecution Winston Blackmore, who was arrested Wednesday, claimed there are tens of thousands of polygamists across Canada but said his religious sect is being singled out, disregarding his right to religious freedom.
"This is not about polygamy," Blackmore told reporters in the community of Bountiful. "To us this is about religious persecution."
Authorities arrested both Blackmore, 52, and James Oler, 44, who lead rival polygamous factions in Bountiful, a town in southeastern British Columbia. Blackmore is charged with marrying 20 women and Oler is accused of marrying two women.
British Columbia Attorney General Wally Oppal said the charges carry a maximum penalty of five years in prison. He said the case will be the first test of Canada's polygamy laws

0) Google "christian persecution". Post the first 5 links that come up to your blog.

I'm sorry Ms. Melancon but i don't know how to put links onto the blog.
11) How is the internet being used to help stop Christian persecution globally?
there is lots of sites that give a lot of information about christian persecution. there are even different blogs that you can join. this helps people become more aware about Christian persecution and makes them want to get more involved.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

papyrus fragments of the new testaments

section review 9.1

1. by the time ceaser agustus , much of the known world was under roman ruke, and two centuries of peace and order had begun. ; Not since the tower if babel had there existed a "one world".
2.Herod the Great.
3.the twelve apostles.
4.AD 100
5.many heathans were won to Christ , by the sterling testimony and genuine love of the early christians .Even enemies recognized the pristine character of the early disciples.

synagogues- where the jews read the old tes. scriptures in hebrew and aramaic and sometimes even from the greek septuagint.
gentiles-non jews
proseltytes-converts in longing for the mesiah
messiah- the " anointed one ", of God

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

section review 7.3

1.phillip II ; Hellenic League .; to conquer the persian empire.
2.334 bc
3.he conquered the entire persian empire.;he wanted to invade india but his troops refused.; he died of a fever.
4.his dissemination of greek culture.; it helped prepare the world for the coming of Jesus Christ.
5.Ptolemies, Selaucids, antigonids.;

Monday, October 5, 2009

section review 7.3

section review 7.2

Complete Chapter 7 Section Review 2 page 109, plus Identify
1.Monarchy and aristocracy. elders and assembly.
2.arsitocracy- ruled by the best; oligarchy- ruled by a few. Monarchy, aristocracy, tyranny, democrocy. practice democracy does not mean rule by all because only citizens could participate in the government of the Greek city states.
4.they stopped at oligarchy.boys began their military training at the age of 7 under the direction of the state; girls were subjected to strenuous athletic training to prepare them for bearing and rearing strong citizen soldiers. because extensive governmental regimentation of a people results in intellectual stagnation.
5.He repealed the harsh edicts of Draco, relieved debtors, redeemed many slaves, forbade parents to sell or pawn their children, order every father to teach his sons a trade, and require his sons to support their aged father if he had educated them. Solon. It was more fair.
6.Pericles. An aristcrat who dominated Athens from 461-429 BC. " Golden Age of Greece".
7.because it expected more trouble from the Persians, Athens in 478-477BC. Inevitable war.
8.Sparta vs. Athens.Thebes delivered a decisive defeat to Sparta, and the Greek city states once again became independent. 431-404 BC.
helots-the slaves.
Peloponnesian League- an alliance with Corinth,Megara, and other cities in the Peloponnesus.
court of areopagus-repealed laws hurtful to states , looked after public morals , and rebuked any person who was not properly bringing up his children or who otherwise lived in a manor unworthy of an athenian.
peisistratus- a noble man aspiring to office seized control of the city and became the fitst tyrant of athens.
cleisthenes- a merged as the new champion of the common people in 508 bc.
ostracism- a quorum of citizens who vote to banish for ten years any person believed to be dangerous to the state .
representative democracy- the citizens elect a few men who represent them in the government.
direct democracy- the citizens made the big decisions of government directly themselves, not indirectly through representatives/

2) Complete Chapter 7 Section Review 3 page 112, plus Identify

Friday, October 2, 2009

rap we found

This is our rap we made about Greece, It’s gonna be hot so take off that fleece. Zeus was the master of disaster.He could run, but Hermes was faster. Zeus and Hera were together. Their marriage would last forever.Homer , a poet, wrote the ODYSSEY.He was the greatest- the others: wanna-be’s. I’m sorry this rap is comin to an end, But if ya’ like it, read it again.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Information about greece

Tell me about life in Ancient Greece, including:

a. Family Life-The husband in Greek homes was the head of the household, but the wife ran the household and supervised the slaves. Most Greek parents arranged the weddings for their children. Girls got married in their mid-teens and men got married in their 30’s.

b. Clothing -Men and women of Greece wore belted garments of wool or linen called a chiton. The men’s garments hung to the knees where as women’s went down to their ankles. Their main footwear was sandals.

c.. Food -Ancient Greeks mainly ate olives, cereal, grains, fruits, and vegetables. They also used goats for milk, and sheep for wool and meat. They ate fish which came from the surrounding oceans. The Greeks ate wheat, and barley.

d. Entertainment - story telling, gladiators, and theatre.

e. Military -The new "breakthrough" in military affairs was due largely to a new type of formation of infantry men, or hoplites. This formation was called the phalanx. The hoplite was heavily armed; he was equipped with a round shield, a breastplate of metal and leather, a helmet, and metal shin protection called greaves. His two weapons were a double-bladed sword and an eight foot pike for thrusting. These men were much faster and more maneuverable then the old system of disorganized fighting, where heavily armed soldiers
individually fought one-on-one with others (the leaders of opposing sides would search for the men with reputations to fight). The phalanx was held in solid ranks, and divided only by a center line and two flanking sections. The soldiers stood shoulder to shoulder in files about eight ranks deep. The men in the front line held their shield strapped to the left arm and the sword in their right hand, thus protecting the man on their left while being protected by the man on their right. There was little need for an officer corps; because the formation was not complex, the whole body moved as one unit to the sound of a flute. However, the phalanx did present weaknesses: because it was sometimes difficult to maneuver due to its "bulky" size, if penetrated by the enemy, it became little more than a hectic, disorganized mob. Also, men tended to drift to their right for the protection of the shield held by that man. The solution to this problem was to place the strongest and most adroit fighters on the right flank to keep the unit from drifting on a battlefield.

f. Government -Pericles was the leader of Athens for thirty years. He was not a monarch or despot. The people of Athens elected him year after year. He declared that Athens was a democracy. In Athens, power was “in the hands of many rather than the few.” Pericles was correct about saying that Athens was a democracy at that time. Compared to other ancient governments, Athens was democratic, but it does not seem that way today. When he spoke of government by the people, he should have said government by the citizens.

g. Social Life- For fun, in addition to drinking parties, the men enjoyed wrestling, horseback riding, and the famous Olympic Games. When the men entertained their male friends, at the popular drinking parties, their wives and daughters were not allowed to attend.
They could attend weddings, funerals, some religious festivals, and could visit female neighbors for brief periods of time.
In Athens, as in most Greek city-states, with the exception of Sparta, girls stayed at home until they were married. Like their mother, they could attend certain festivals, funerals, and visit neighbors for brief periods of time. Their job was to help their mother, and to help in the fields, if necessary. Ancient Greek children played with many toys, including rattles, little clay animals, horses on 4 wheels that could be pulled on a string, yo-yo's, and terra-cotta dolls.

h. Education -Many children wanted to go to school but couldn’t go. Only those children of citizens could participate in school. The majority of the people who attended school were boys. Not many girls received education. In Athens, subjects were taught at different schools. There was one for general studies, one for music, and one for physical education. In general studies, reading, writing, and arithmetic were taught. In music, students learned how to play avols or a lyre. In physical education they ran, jumped, and wrestled . Education in Sparta was much different. They wanted to have strong war like boys and many boys the age of seven were sent to military camps or schools. Higher education consisted of law, philosophy , and medicine.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

section review

1.The Black and Aegean Sea.Ionion sea.The Gulf of Corinth.
2.Minoans, Mycenaeans, and Trojans.Along the shores and on the islands of the Aegean Sea.
The island of Crete, on the Greek mainland, and in the city of Troy and along the Hellesponte in Asia Minor.
3.Minoans. King Minos at Knossos.
4.The Mycenaeans.
5.The Dorians.Hellenes.
6.Homer. Illiad-describes the heroic deeds of the ancient Greeks in their was against Troy; Odyssey-recounts the adventures of a brave Greek warrior, Odysseus on his ten year journey home after his defeat of Troy.
7.Zeus-the chief and father of the gods; Athena- wisdom; Ares- war;Aphrodite- love and beauty; Hera- marriage(Zeus' wife).they were the product of a poetic genius.
8.a city, we get the word politics from this word.
9. Eretria, Marathon, and the Spartans.
10.490 -479 BC.
11.the Persians won and lots of Greeks was the first major naval battle in history. placed an absolute limit on the westward expansion of the persian empire and ensured that greek culture would continue to thrive the west.

hellespont-dardanelles in asia minor .
attica-a prominent region of ancient greece.
peloponnesus-a prominent region of ancient greece
trojan war-mycenaeans destroyed the city of troy off the coast of asia minor after a 10 yr. siege
odysseus-a brave greek warrior ; his adventures are in the odyssey.
mt. olympus-where the greek gods lived.
heroes- the differed from the gods only in being mortal and less powerful.
achilles- the invincible greek warrior in the illiad.
barbarian- people who didnt speak greek.
olympic games-held every fourth year at olympia in honor of zeus.
olympiad-the period between the olympics.
darius I- a persian king
xerxes I- Darius' son .
leonidas-a spartan leader who ordered his troops to withdraw at the battle of Thermopylae.
themistocles-an athenian who tricked xerxes into fighting a naval battle in the narrow strait between the mainland and the island of salamis.
plataea- where the persians were defeated by the greeks.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Greece Games

Play the "Adventures in Ancient Greece" game.
4) Post each of your scores for the Timeline.
Rebecca- 5/5
5) List out the 8 items you found in Athens.
Hoplite; young boy;house;young girl; acropolis; parthenon; the pynx; the olive tree.

6) List out the 8 items you found in Sparta.
young boy, trembler, tree, soldier,young girls, mother, stealing,mountains.

7) Take the Mount Olympus quiz. Post your quiz scores to your blog.
Rebecca- all right
Ragan- all right

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Sudy Guide

Key Terms:
Deserts Sahara/Kalahari-2/3 of African continent is covered with desert. Sahara is in North Africa and the Kalahari is in South Africa
Savanna- a vast tract of land characterized by wet and dry seasons; covered by grasses and shrubs.
Mountains-the Atlas Mountain Range and Mt. Kilimanjaro.

Atlas Mountain Range- Africa's longest mountain range.
Mt. Kilimanjaro- Africa's tallest mountain.
Nile River- the longest river.
Lake Victoria- Africa's largest lake.
Great Rift Valley- the largest rift in the Earth's surface.
Began after the- the flood.
Ebed Melech- a famous cushite who helped the prophet Jeremiah when he was cast into prison by King Zedekiah.
Unnamed Ethiopian Eunich- Most famous Cushite in World History; Treasurer for Queen Candace of Cush; Philip led this treasurer to Christ.
Edesius- was shipwrecked and taken to Ethiopia as a slave; preached the gospel there and was credited with Bringing Christianity to Africa.
Frumentius-was shipwrecked and taken to Ethiopia as a slave; preached the gospel there and was credited with Bringing Christianity to Africa. He was the first bishop of the Ethiopian Christian Church.
Alexandria, Egypt- an important and influential city of Christianity; home to Clement of Alexandria and Origen.
Cyrene, Libya-an important and influential city of Christianity; Home of Simon of Cyrene.
Carthage,Tunisia-an important and influential city of Christianity; City of early church fathers Tertullian and Cyprian- both were martyred.
Simon of Cyrene- Carried the Cross for Jesus
Clement of Alexandria- His hymn,"Shepherd of Tender Youth", is the oldest surviving Christian hymn.
Sea trade(Africa/Asia)- As early as 1500 BC, Africans were trading with Asians. Africa provided : iron, ivory and gold; Asia provided: porcelain, precious stones and silk.
Inland Trade(Africa/Middle East)- Between 300 and 1200 AD,Ghana traded with the Middle East Arabs.Ghana provided: gold, ivory and slaves; Middle East provided: salt, copper and dried fruits.
Mali Empire- Lasted from 1200-1500AD. Modern day Gambia, Guinea,Mali and Senegal.
Timbuktu- Important trading center for Mali Empire; famous center for learning and culture.
Songhai Empire- Dominated West Africa in 1500s; monopolized trade across the Sahara.
"The White Man's Grave"- Name for Africa during the 19th century(1800s); explorers in Africa faced many obstacles: intense heat, Malaria, Sleeping sickness and Yellow fever.
Mungo Park- Explored Africa from 1768-1773; traced most of the Niger River.
Hugh Clapperton- Explored Africa from 1822-1824; First European to cross the Sahara Desert.
Alexander Laing-Explored Africa from 1825-1826; First European to reach Timbuktu.
Robert Moffat- Explored Africa from 1795-1883;One of the first missionaries to Africa; said"I can see the smoke of a thousand villages where the name of Christ has never been heard."

David Livingstone- Went to Africa in response to Moffat's call for more missionaries; First European to see Victoria Falls, Africa's largest waterfall; worked in Africa many years, went missing -Henry Stanley found him.
European rule- By WWI(1914) only 2 African states were independent- Ethiopian and Lyberia; everyone else was ruled by Europeans.
Progress- what kind? 1.Law and Order; 2.Schools founded; 3. Roads/Railroads constructed; 4.Hospitals established; 5. New cities built.

1950s and 1960s- A move toward independence from European rule; began with Ghana in 1957.

1960s: Civil War broke out in Belgian Congo(Zaire); Communist terrorists forcibly established rule over Zaire.
General Idi Amin-
Seized power in Uganda; ruled until 1979;Devout Muslim; killed and tortured as many as 300,000 people.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Assignment # 27

. Tell me about Kenya's geography/landscape. It's a savanna and it has mountains and plateaus at its center.
b. Where is Kenya? What's the capital? East Africa.Nairobi.
c. What lies WEST of Nairobi? Great Rift Valley.
d. Tell me about the animals in Kenya. What's set up to protect them? elephants, lions, cheetahs, giraffes, hippos, and zebras. reserves and parks.
e. What 2 bodies of water is Kenya located between? How does this affect the culture there? The Indian Ocean and Lake Victoria. A diverse culture with many ethnic groups and languages.
f. Significance of N. Kenya & Tanzania? Scientists think that it might be the birthplace of civilization.
g. Tell me about slavery there in 1600s, 1700s, and 1800s. they were kidnapped and taken as slaves by the Arabs and Europeans. It was outlawed in most countries.
h. How many languages/ethnic groups are there? 60 languages and 40 ethnic groups.
i. Tell me about the kids & school. the school is free but many kids are to busy to go to school.
j. What are some important parts of Kenyan culture? music and storytelling.
k. What's the current government of Kenya like? a republic with a president, a national assembly and a judiciary.
l. Official name? Form of Gov't? Population? Official Languages? Republic of Kenya.Republic.33,830,000. Swahili and English.
m. Money? Mountain Ranges? Major rivers? Kenyan shilling. Aberdare range, Mau escarpment.Athi/ Galana and tana.

a. Tell me what YOU think is going on in each photo (don't look at the caption!):
Photo 1- archaeologists
Photo 2- An African tribe with a lot of jewelery.
Photo 3 - people looking at the lions
Photo 4 - a city
Photo 5 - a lake
Photo 6 - a flag

5. Now, go back and post the captions for each photo to your blog.

Photo 1- Archaeologists examine fossils found in Northern Kenya.
Photo 2- Masai women reveal personal information with their jewelery.
Photo 3 - A tourist in Kenya's Masai Mara watches two lions.
Photo 4 - Founded in 1899, Nairobi is one of Africa's largest cities.
Photo 5 - Kenya's Lake Victoria is the largest lake in Africa.
Photo 6 -Kenyan flag.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Assignment #26: Africa Games

Africa Map Game
Ragan- 122 seconds
Rebecca-100 seconds

"Mini Game Demo"
Rebecca- It was kinda fun. It wouldn't let us finish the game. I like how it had the Madagascar movie as it's theme. I liked how the lion was trying to get the meat.

Ragan-This game was really fun. It was the most fun game we've played
so far. I liked it because it was kinda like a video game and it was exciting,
Also, I liked it because it was kindof a challenge. ::::::::)) Over all this game was nice.
Glu Mobile Demo
Rebecca- I didn't like this game. It was too hard.And the lion was annoying.

Ragan- I didnt really enjoy this game .. at all.It was frustrating becuase it
was hard.

All of Africa
Ragan- This game was okay. my partner was good at

it but :) i sucked.

Rebecca- This game was fun... I guess. umm it was kind of hard but i like how they gave us clues.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Africa Geography Game



ANOTHER section review

chapter 6 section review 1
1. 2/5. Sahara and Kalahari. Sahara.
2.Atlas Mountain Range; Mt. Kilimanjaro.
3. Lake Victoria; Nile River
4. Great Rift Valley.

Dark continent- what Africa was called because it was unexplored.
Savannas-vast tracts of land characterized by wet and dry seasons.
Lake Tanganyika- the world's longest and second deepest lake it's a source of water for the Congo river.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Mummy Maker

Rebecca- This was so cool! We got to mummify somebody!! That guy with the jackal mask was so serious and kind of creepy. He made it seem like he didn't think we could do anything. They put the body in the salt for 40 days. That's a long time for a dead body to be sitting out.


Friday, September 18, 2009

Mummification games

a. Mummification Process Exhibition
b. Canopic Jars Exhibition
c. The Weighing of the Heart
d. Sarcophagi Chamber
3. Each person in your group should post a 1 paragraph summary about this game to your blog.

Rebecca- To mummify a body first you have to remove the organs then place them in canopic jars. Then you would dry out the body and fill it with linen . Next you would oil the body and then wrap the body in linen. One of the embalmers would wear a mask of Anubis, the jackal-god who was believed to have passed down the art of mummification. I didn't know that, it's kind of weird. Overall, this game was fun.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Study Guide

sahara- the world's largest desert; in Africa.
nile - the world's longest river; in Africa.
egypt-in the northeast corner of Africa; called the "seedbed of African culture."
mizraim- most ancient name of Egypt; name of one of Ham's sons.
land of ham- what the Bible calls Egypt.
nomes- small states in Egypt.
pharaohs- strong rulers; kings of Egypt.
menes- the 1st pharaoh of Egypt and united Upper and Lower Egypt.
"The Gift of the Nile"- what Herodotus called Egypt.
Hieroglypiccs- the writing system of Egypt; has over 700 characters.
Book of the Dead- most important Egyptian work; placed in tombs.
Memphis- one of the most important cities in Egypt; Known as Noph in the Hebrew Bible; nothing remains of the city except two granite colossi and one alabaster sphinx.
Thebes- one of the most important cities in Egypt; nothing remains except the vast necropolis.
Necropolis-means "City of the Dead"(one big cemetery).
Pyramid- best symbolizes Egyptian government; Pharaoh at the top, priests and officials in the middle and everyones else on the bottom(including slaves); used as tombs or caskets.
Monarchy- when a country or nation is under one absolute ruler like a king or queen.
Theocracy- when a country or nation is ruled by a god(under god).
humanism- the worship of humans

naturalism- the worship of nature

polytheism- more than more god. ( Egypt had many gods and goddesses).
Egyptian Tombs- they spend a lot of time preparing them for the afterlife; they are pyramids.
Great Pyramids of Cheops- one of the wonders of the world; took 20 yrs. to build.
King Tut- teenage pharoah who died at the age of 18; his tomb was one of the greatest archaelogical discoveries of all time( found in 1922 by Howard Carter); it was filled with exquisite treasures.
Mummification- the preservation of the bodies of the dead.
30 dynasties- what ancient Egyptian history is divided into.
Old Kingdom- dynasties 3-6
Pyramids of Giza- built by Cheops,Khafre and Menkaure; a wonder of the world.
Great Sphinx- head of a man body of a lion; bears the likeness of Khafre.
Middle Kingdom- 11th dynasty; King Mentuhotep I; around time Abraham was living.
King Menuhotep I- established capital at Thebes.
Hyksos- Asiatic warriors ; conquered the Middle Kingdom; had chariots and horses- Egyptians were easy prey.
Ahmose I- drove the hyksos out of Egypt in the New Kingdom.
New Kingdom- 18th -20th dynasty; see Ahmose I.
Hatshepshut- may have been Moses' mom; the only female pharaoh.
Amenhotep II- may have been pharaoh during the Exodus; Thutmose III's son.
Later New Kingdom- Ramses II.
Ramses II- most outstanding Egyptian monarch.
Alexander the Great- A macedonian king who was declared a god in Egypt; conquered the entire Persian empire; named a city in Egypt after himself.
Alexandria- one of the most important cities in the ancient world, named after Alexander the Great; in the western delta of Egypt.
Lighthouse of Alexandria- one of the (7) ancient wonders of the world; maybe burned.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Facts # 1-17 questions

a. What do Nile crocodiles resemble? What do they feed on? armored tanks;insects and small fish.
b. How does the male croc get the female croc's attention?he bellows,splashes and slaps his snout on the water.
c. Where does the female lay her eggs? in a hole on the river bank, shoreline, or dry streambed.
d. How many eggs does she deposit? Does she watch them? from 25 to 80 eggs. yes, constantly.
e. How do the mom & dad croc know when the baby crocs are ready to hatch? the young crocs send out a high- pitched sounds that tells the female to dig up the nest.
f. Where does mom bring them once they hatch? to the water.
g. How do crocs control their temperature? by basking in the sun during the day, cooling off with a midday dip or a rest in the shade, then spending the night mostly submerged.
h. What's the scientific name for crocodile? How long can they grow? Crocodylus niloticus; as long as 20 ft.
i. How long can they live? What kind of feet do they have? from anywhere from 45 yrs. to 80 yrs.; webbed feet.
j. Where do Nile crocs live? around the rivers, marshes, and lakes of southern Africa.
k. How can you tell an alligator from a crocodile? crocs have long, narrow snouts; gators have rounded ones.
l. What do crocs use their tails for? to propel themselves through the water.
m. What do crocs eat? (mammals)? baboons, impala, hyenas, and wildebeest.
n. What type of huge prey do crocs kill? young hippos, giraffes, lions, buffalo, and even humans.
o. Tell me about a croc's brain. they have the most highly developed brain of all the reptiles.
p. How do stones aid in digestion for crocs? they help to grind up the food and speed up the digestion.


a. Describe what's going on in the Egypt photos (don't look at the caption!)
Photo 1-a ship going down the Nile river
Photo 2- Egyptian market
Photo 3 -a camel by the pyramid.
Photo 4 - a city in Egypt.
Photo 5 - women getting water
Photo 6 - Egypt's flag

5. Now, go back and post the captions for each photo to your blog. Were you close?
Photo 1-large ships steams through the suez canal in Egypt.

Photo 2- shoppers walk through an open air market in Luxor, Egypt

Photo 3 - a camel stands near the great pyramids in Giza, Egypt.
Photo 4 - crowded Cairo, Egypt, has more than 8,000,000 people.
Photo 5 - Two women fill their jugs with water from the Nile River.
Photo 6 - Egyptian flag.

Assignment # 22

a. Tell me about rainfall in Egypt, and the importance of the Nile River. 2.5 cm of rain each year. Without the Nile River all of Egypt would be a desert;the Nile River helps it because it floods every summer and waters all the grass, etc.
b. Egypt is divided into what 2 sections? Upper and Lower Egypt.
c. Tell me about Northern & Southern Egypt. Southern contains low mountains and desert and Northern contains wide valleys near the Nile and a desert to the east and west.
d. Egypt is home to which animals? Which plants? cheetahs, hyenas,crocodiles, and cobras. they have an oasis and mountains with plants.
e. What did the Egyptians leave paintings & carvings of? large animals like elephants, hippos, leopards and cheetahs.
f. Civilization was established by what year? How long ago did they settle there? 3,000 BC; over 8,000 years ago.
g. When did Lower & Upper Egypt unite? under a powerful king called a pharoah.
h. When did Egypt fall under Roman control? When did Muslims take over Egypt? 31 BC; 640 AD.
i. Who invaded Egypt in 1882? What did they want? When did Egypt declare independence? British; the Suez Canal;1952 AD.
j. 90 percent of Egyptians are what religion? Islam.
k. Why is overcrowding a problem in Egypt today? it puts strains on the resources.
l. Why are children highly valued in their culture? because they help on family farms and look after their parents when they get old.
m. What type of gov't is Egypt today? democratic republic.
n. What is Egypt's largest single source of foreign income? Why do you think that is? tourism; because they want to see the ancient monuments like the great pyramids and the great Sphinx.
o. What is the official name of Egypt? Arab Republic of Egypt.
p. What is the capital of Egypt? Cairo.
q. What is the population/official language of Egypt? 78,887,007/Arabic.
r. What's the currency in Egypt? (Money) Egyptian pound, guinay.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Assignment # 21

a."Introduction" - Ancient Egyptian history spans how many centuries? 50
What did the people believe Pharaoh was? How did they "achieve immortality"?the people believed that the paharoah was a living god, and they believed that they had to always keep him happy.
b. "Dead" - What was embalming? Who did the embalming? What role did linen, your body, the priest, natron salt, canopic jars, tools, and oils play in the embalming process?emabalding was the taking and clening , of a person's dead body;people who w ere responsible for preparing you for the dried the dead bodies.
c. "Organs Removed" - Which organs were removed? What did they do with them?the stomach,liver, lungs and intestines.;they stored them in canopic jars.
d. "Get Stuffed" - What does "Get Stuffed" refer to? What did they stuff you with?First your skin will be rubbed with oils to make it softer. Then the empty space where your organs were is filled with sawdust, rags and chaff.
e. "Tomb Bound" - What did they do to get your body ready for the tomb? What was involved in bandaging the body? What might be placed in your tomb if you were rich?They would wrap you in 20 layers of linen bandages. If you were rich, ; you would have as many as three coffins inside of eachother.
f. "Coffins Etc" - Tell me about Ancient Egyptian coffins. What went in the coffins with the body? What went in the tomb with the coffin? pictures of thegods and the correct spells painted on them to protect you. Of course, they should also have plenty of hieroglyphs singing your praises written on them. sarcophagus.
g. "Your Funeral" - What did an Ancient Egyptian funeral look like? Tell me about the will be buried on the eastern side of the river where the sun sets.The preist lead the mourners, and the bearers carrying food offerings.

h. "Eternal Rest" - Tell me about tomb raiders. What do they do and what do they want? they took all the jewelery and the expensive stuff out of the tomb. they wanted all the gold and jewelery.

3. Each person in your group should post 1 paragraph about this assignment to your blog. What did you learn? What didn't you know before? What stuck out to you visually?


I learned about the mummification process. I didn't know that they put natron salt on the body to dry it out. I learned that they rubbed the skin with oils to make it softer. And they stuffed the body with rags and sawdust. I thought it was kind of gross that they pulled their brain out through their nose!! This assignment was fun.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Assignment #20 Chapter 5 Section Review 3

1.The Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, and the New Kingdom.
2.Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure. They were the builders of the three largest pyramids at Giza.
3.King Mentuhotep I; Abram and his family entered Egypt in search of food.;Joseph became prime minister of Egypt, Jacob and his family settled in Goshen.

4. Ahmose I ; BECAUSE he wanted to drive out the Hyksos and the Hebrews were kindof like them.
5. Hatshepsut
6.because Egypt reestablished its empire in Asia during this period.;Thutmose III ; HE MAY HAVE BEEN pharoah during the Hebrew exodus.
7.Egypt became a republic and he became their first president.
8.Anwar el-Sadat.By personally negotiating with Israel's prime minister, Menachem Begin.

Giza- where the three largest pyramids are and 8 miles southwest of Cairo.
Great Sphinx- with the head of a man and a body of a lion, bears the likeness of Khafre.
Twelfth Dynasty- the twelfth dynasty kings established their capital at Thebes, expanded Egyptian influence into Asia, and inaugurated huge public works and irrigation projects.
Hyksos- "shepherd kings" or "rulers of foreign countries"
Ramses II- the most outstanding monarch who fought the Hittites in Asia and sponsored much building activity.
Alexandria- important city in Alexander's empire and famous for their great library.
Septuagint- the old testament in Greek.
Ptolemy-one of Alexander's generals that gained control of Egypt and established a Greek dynasty that ruled until Cleopatra's suicide and the Roman conquest in 30 BC Egypt became a part of the Roman empire and later a part of the Arab world.
Cairo- became the center of Egyptian life and one of the great cities of the Arab world.
Suez canal- a canal that the British built.
Hosni Mubarak-successor of Sadat as president of Egypt.

Games on Assignment #20

Ancient Egypt Walk the Plank
Ragan- 60%


Modern China
Ragan- 80%


Assignment # 20

Chapter 5 section Review 1/2 plus identify.
1.Africa. The sahara.;nile river
2.mediterranean sea to the north ,the sahara to the west, and the red sea to the east.
3.mizraim , kemet, aegyptus.
4.because of the cultural diffusion.
5. upper Egypt and lower Egypt; lower Egypt, the nile delta, in upper Egypt, from the delta near memphis to the first cataract, south of thebes.; menes.
6.the nile delta
7. Egypt was the greatest and most magnificient power of the ancient world. was a plentiful source for building materials, paper, furniture, bricks from the mud, boxes, and baskets.
9.Napolean and his men found the Rosetta Stone and made a rough translation.: Champollion.
10.Memphis and Thebes.
11.the pyramid.; the pharoah was at the top, the priest and the officials were in the middle, and the slaves were at the bottom.
12.the were humanistic, naturalistic, and polytheistic. They prepared their bodies and tombs for the after life.

isthmus of Suez- what connected Africa to Asia.
Copts- ancient Egyptians.
nomes- small states in Egypt.
Herodotus-"The Greek Father of History"
Nile Delta-a rich alluvial plain of fertile soil at the mouth of the Nile.
hieroglyphics-Egyptian writing system.
book of the dead.- the most important Egyptian work.
necropolis- city of the dead
Great Pyramid of Cheops-one of the wonders of the world.
Tutankhamen-a teenage pharoah who died at the age of 18.
mummification- the preservation of the bodies of the dead.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Assignment # 19

"Daily Life in Ancient Egypt" brainteaser quiz

Ragan- 9/12 Mental Mummy

Rebecca-12/12 Phenominal Pharoah

"Tomb of the Unknown Mummy"

Rebecca- This was cool.It was kinda creepy when they took off the top of the coffin and showed the mummy. I got the person right. My score was I found 12 artifacts and used 3.9 lanterns.

"Critter Cam Africa"


Rebecca- This game was weird. It was hard to control the car. I didn't find any lions. My score was mission failed. I am so bad at playing games like this. I tried over and over again but I couldn't do it.Sorry.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Assignment # 18

Game:Temple Stores

Ragan- 30


Assignment #17

Tell me about his life at home & at school.
Only rich kids went to school between the ages of 5 and 10. School work was written in ink on pieces of broken stone or pottery (ostraca), or on wooden boards that could be cleaned and used again. In class the children repeated and copied words, e.g. letters and sayings, then later classic Egyptian writings. Students were also taught mathematics.The temple was the school.
Had holes in the wall for windows.Most days, all I will have to eat and drink are bread and beer. Sometimes I have vegetables, beans and dates.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Blog Assignment # 16

a. What is a "stela"? A decorated stone that tells what sort of person is buried in the tomb
b. What type of writing did Ancient Egyptians use? Hieroglyphics.
c. Once you decipher the hieroglyphs, what does it spell? Priest.
d. Once you descend into the tomb, what do you find? Statues; Canpoic jars;the coffin.
e. What do the statues represent?represent the god Anubis, in the shape of a dog, the god of the cemetary.
f. Describe the gods of the Ancient Egyptians. They look like animals.
g. What are the "canopic" jars? What's in them? They preserve the organs of the dead person. Organs like the stomach, intestines, liver, and lungs.
h. What is the coffin made of? bright colors so that the tomb would be bright, and not dark and wood.
i. Ragan-
My name is Ragan Mays , and I am about to type a paragraph,
about what i learned from this game.I learned that, the Egyptians
had a very unique way of life. They stored all of the dead people's organs
in a little jar called,canopic.I also learned that they paint their coffins in bright colors.

Rebecca- I learned that the Egyptians have a writing system called hieroglyphics. It has a bunch of different symbols. They have a lot of god and most of them have the heads of animals and the bodies of humans. I learned about the god Anubis, who is the god of the cemetary. They have canopic jars that they store the dead persons organs in. They painted the coffin in bright colors.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Study Guide Questions

From 3.1-
What was the first empire to rule after Sumer? Babylon.
Who was Hammurabi? King of Babylon;established the first great Babylonian empire.
What is the Babylonian Genesis/Enuma Elish? a book written during the babylonion time that was equivalent to our genesis.
Who were the Hittites? Why are they important? An Indo-European people from Asia Minor(Turkey).they raided babylon around 1600 BC and plundered the great city.
From 4.1 -
What is the highest place in Asia? Lowest? Mt. Everest; Dead Sea
Name the 3 main rivers in Asia. Tigris-Euphrates, Indus and Hwang Ho.
Why is India called a “subcontinent”? Because it is so distinctly separated from the rest of Asia.
Name the 3 major land regions in India. Himalayan Mountain System; Northern Plains; Deccan Plateau.
From 4.5 -
What are the names of the 4 islands that make up the nation of Japan? Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku.
What’s Japan’s famous mountain called? Mt. Fuji.
Who were the earliest inhabitants of Japan? Ainu.
What is Shinto? The Japanese religion of nature worship.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Assignment # 15

a. What is SUMO?
two people who are wearing nothing but a loincloth, face each other in a circular ring, and push, grapple and try to throw each other. the one who forces his opponent to the ground or forces him out of the ring is the winner.
b. How do wrestlers win at SUMO?
When one of the wrestlers is forced out of the ring or touches the ground with any part of his body other than his feet, the referee raises the fan in his hand to declare the winner.
c. When did SUMO start?
In Japan, figurines of sumo wrestlers have been unearthed dating back to between the third and seventh centuries, and the sport is mentioned in the myths and legends of the Kojiki and Nihonshoki(Japanese history books written in the eighth century).
d. What's a day in the life of a SUMO wrestler like?
Wrestlers wake up early in the morning and train hard in the hope of moving up the ranks. (5:00). First they begin their training in a practice ring. They do ritual stamping called shiko, this improves their lower body strength. They also do another excersie called teppo. Then they engage in what is known as moshiai, in which the winner of a practice match continues to take new challengers, and they also practice butsukari-geiko, in which wrestlers take turns throwing their bodies into each other. Then they eat. Then they have free time and many take naps to help them get bigger.

"Step Back in Time"
Rebecca: I got to choose my player that was cool. I didn't know that they used to bathe with rice. Haha I had to transform into a ninja.

"Spot The Mistakes"
Rebecca: Awww there are no more ninjas in Japan today. They can't wear their shoes inside :( . Children write calligraphy in school, I wouldn't want to do that, it would take forever.

"Mix N Match"
Rebecca:This game was fun. I didn't know that cooks sometimes wore high wooden clogs. The Kabuki actors look creepy.

"Japan Puzzle"
Rebecca: Ummm this game didn't work on my computer :(

"Pictures of Japan"
Rebecca: This game wouldn't work either. Sorry.

Blog Assignment #14

World Exploration-
This was fun and interesting. We played on third grade level because highschool level was too hard. We knew most of the answers to the third grade level questions.

Photo Analysis Challenge-
We liked this game. It was fun. Umm it didn't take us that long to play either. We finished before the time ran out. We had one minute and thirty-four seconds left.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Assignment #13 Games

"What's In the Photo":
Ragan- 9/10
It was ok. We couldn't really see the pictures that great at first.
You had a short amount of time to guess.
"Gesture Game":
Ragan- 2/4
It was funny. It was really short.
More fun than the other games.

"Hiragana Picture Matching Game":
Ragan- first level
Rebecca- first level
Very very hard. There was no way we could guess the symbols.
We guessed all the symbols for everyone because we didn't know which one it was.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Assignment #12 Chapter 4 section 1

2. 1/3; 60 PERCENT



Monday, August 31, 2009

Assignment #11

World Capitals Game

Rebecca: 13300


Asia Map Match Game

Rebecca:126 seconds

Ragan:210 seconds

Friday, August 28, 2009

Assignment #9 Taj Mahal

Where is the Taj Mahal? In Agra, India.

When was it built? 1630 to 1653

Who built it? Emperor Shah Jahan.

Why was it built? It was a tomb for his favorite wife, Mumatz Mahal.

What materials is it constructed from? Mostly marble but some of it was built with red sandstone.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Indus Valley Assignment #8

1. When did the Indus Valley civilization exist? 2600 to 1900 BC
2. What countries did this civilization spread across? Pakistan, India and parts of Afghanistan.
3. How many settlements have archaeologists discovered? 2000.
4. Which city may have been an important port city? Lothal.
5. Which city was excavated by archaeologists in 1920? Harappa.
6. What does “Mohenjo-Daro” mean? Mound of the dead
7. Which is the biggest settlement archaeologists have found in the Indus Valley? Mohenjo-Daro. 8. What type of photographs do archaeologists usually take? ariel photograph.
9. What’s significant about “First Street”? longest and widest street in Mohenjo-Daro.
10. What were bricks used for there? for building house walls
11. Did their houses have drains? yes.
12. What were the wells used for? for fresh drinking water.
13. What were the narrow drains used for? allowed water to drain away from the city.
14. What artifacts did you find using the “Excavation Map”?necklace, seal, model cart, weights, figurine.

This civilization spread across Pakistan, India and parts of Afghanistan.Archeaologist have discovered 2000 settlements. Lothal may have been an important port city.Harappa was excavated by archaeologists in 1920.
“Mohenjo-Daro” means Mound of the dead.Mohenjo- DARO is the biggest settlement archaeologists have found in the Indus Valley.Archaeologists usually take ariel photographs.“First Street” is longest and widest street in Mohenjo-Daro.
Bricks were used for there for building house walls.

Rebecca: Houses had drains.The narrow drains allowed water to drain away from the city. Wells were used for fresh drinking water. This civilization was in southeast Asia. The Indus River is close to Mohenjo-Daro.
Mohenjo-Daro is the biggest settlement archaeologists have discovered in the Indus Valley. They believe over 35,000 people lived there. Their bricks were made of mud and dried in the sun. This kept the house cool. They were used for foundations, lower walls, large buildings, drains and wells.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Section Review 3.2 Asignment #7

Game Scores:
"Hopping Through History"
Rebecca: 35
Ragan: 31
"Kiana Orca Preserve"
Rebecca: 50
Ragan: 43
"History Galactica"
Rebecca: 1
Ragan: 1
"Brick Busters History Game"
Rebecca: 30
Ragan: 28

1. Canaan, Palestine, and Israel. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
2. Judah and Israel.
3. The greatest variety of climate and topography of any country in the world.
4. The ten commandments.
5. That Israel became a theocracy.
6. Phoenicians.
7. David and Solomon.
8. They divided it into the northern( Israel) and the southern( Judah) kingdoms.
9. AD 70.

Abraham: "father of a great nation"
Patriarchs: The founding fathers of the nation of Israel.
Moses: One of the greatest men in the world of history. He got the ten commandments.
Covenant: A solemn agreement.
Theocracy: a nation ruled by God.
The alphabet: a phonetic system of writing in which letters are used to represent sounds rather than things or ideas.
Sinai script: the first true alphabet.
Literacy: The ability to read and write one's own language.
721 BC: When Samaria, the capital of the northern kingdom fell into the Assyrian invaders.
586 BC: When Jerusalem, the capital of the southern kingdom fell into the Babylonian invaders.