Friday, October 30, 2009

Open book/notes test

Complete the following from the Chapter 9 Review, page 151.
a. People (#1-33 every other odd)
1.Messiah-"Anointed One" of God
5.Domitian- Roman emperor; proclaimed himself as "Dominus wt Deus"( Lord and God); demanded to be worshiped.
9. Marcus Aurelius-4th grest persecution; hated Christians; during his rule the common people began to cry.
13.Iraneaus-pupil of Polycarp and martyred during this time.
17.origen- a Christian philosopher from Alexandria.
21.Diocletian- ruled as Augustus in the east with his capital at Nicomedia in northwestern Asia Minor.
Maximian- became the Augustus of the west with his capital at Milan in northern Italy.
25. Aristides-a Christian apologists of the early church period.
29.Athanasius-he eloquently and passionately argued for the true deity of Chrsit at the council of Nicaea.
33.Theodosius I- Under him as emperor Christianity became the only legal faith the state religion of the Roman empire.

b. Terms (all)
Synagogue- local place of worship for the Jews.
Gentiles- non-Jew
proselytes- "converts"
martyr- Greek for witness; a person tortured of killed for their Christian faith.
Book of the Revelation-
catacombs- vast, subterranean galleries beneath the city of Rome where early Christians met.
Edict of Milan- Constantine I extended legal protection and recognition to Christians throughout the empire with this.
church fathers- preachers and teachers that God raised up to defend the faith and champion the cause of Christ and expound on the scriptures.
apologists- those who attempted to reasonably defend Christianity against pagan defamations
Monarchianism-denied the doctrine of the Trinity.
Latin Vulgate- the Bible of the early western church.
creeds-confessions of faith
Apostle's Creed- it develpoed between the second and the fifth centuries from the questions asked of new converts at their baptism.
Nicene Creed-rejected the teaching of Arianism, a false doctrine that denied the deity of Christ.
athanasian creed- was named for father Athanasius and was a third great creed.
Council of Nicaea- developed the Nicene creed.
Arianism- a false doctrine which denied the deity of Christ.
c. Chapter Concepts (#4)
1.during pax romana men could travel over millions of square miles of land or water without fear of passing through a foreign or enemy country because the gospel could travel quickly;
2.some converted to christianity .
3.nero - christians were crucified , torn to pieces by savage animals, covered with pitch and used as human torches in the emperors garden that night.;domitian demanded to be worshipped ; peter was crucified upside down; john was exiled to the island of patmos.

Complete the following from the Chapter 10 Review, page 159.
a. People (#1, 3, 5, 10)
b. Places (#1, 3)
c. Terms (#1, 3, 4)
d. Chapter Concepts (#1)

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