Monday, October 5, 2009

section review 7.2

Complete Chapter 7 Section Review 2 page 109, plus Identify
1.Monarchy and aristocracy. elders and assembly.
2.arsitocracy- ruled by the best; oligarchy- ruled by a few. Monarchy, aristocracy, tyranny, democrocy. practice democracy does not mean rule by all because only citizens could participate in the government of the Greek city states.
4.they stopped at oligarchy.boys began their military training at the age of 7 under the direction of the state; girls were subjected to strenuous athletic training to prepare them for bearing and rearing strong citizen soldiers. because extensive governmental regimentation of a people results in intellectual stagnation.
5.He repealed the harsh edicts of Draco, relieved debtors, redeemed many slaves, forbade parents to sell or pawn their children, order every father to teach his sons a trade, and require his sons to support their aged father if he had educated them. Solon. It was more fair.
6.Pericles. An aristcrat who dominated Athens from 461-429 BC. " Golden Age of Greece".
7.because it expected more trouble from the Persians, Athens in 478-477BC. Inevitable war.
8.Sparta vs. Athens.Thebes delivered a decisive defeat to Sparta, and the Greek city states once again became independent. 431-404 BC.
helots-the slaves.
Peloponnesian League- an alliance with Corinth,Megara, and other cities in the Peloponnesus.
court of areopagus-repealed laws hurtful to states , looked after public morals , and rebuked any person who was not properly bringing up his children or who otherwise lived in a manor unworthy of an athenian.
peisistratus- a noble man aspiring to office seized control of the city and became the fitst tyrant of athens.
cleisthenes- a merged as the new champion of the common people in 508 bc.
ostracism- a quorum of citizens who vote to banish for ten years any person believed to be dangerous to the state .
representative democracy- the citizens elect a few men who represent them in the government.
direct democracy- the citizens made the big decisions of government directly themselves, not indirectly through representatives/

2) Complete Chapter 7 Section Review 3 page 112, plus Identify

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