Monday, September 14, 2009

Assignment # 20

Chapter 5 section Review 1/2 plus identify.
1.Africa. The sahara.;nile river
2.mediterranean sea to the north ,the sahara to the west, and the red sea to the east.
3.mizraim , kemet, aegyptus.
4.because of the cultural diffusion.
5. upper Egypt and lower Egypt; lower Egypt, the nile delta, in upper Egypt, from the delta near memphis to the first cataract, south of thebes.; menes.
6.the nile delta
7. Egypt was the greatest and most magnificient power of the ancient world. was a plentiful source for building materials, paper, furniture, bricks from the mud, boxes, and baskets.
9.Napolean and his men found the Rosetta Stone and made a rough translation.: Champollion.
10.Memphis and Thebes.
11.the pyramid.; the pharoah was at the top, the priest and the officials were in the middle, and the slaves were at the bottom.
12.the were humanistic, naturalistic, and polytheistic. They prepared their bodies and tombs for the after life.

isthmus of Suez- what connected Africa to Asia.
Copts- ancient Egyptians.
nomes- small states in Egypt.
Herodotus-"The Greek Father of History"
Nile Delta-a rich alluvial plain of fertile soil at the mouth of the Nile.
hieroglyphics-Egyptian writing system.
book of the dead.- the most important Egyptian work.
necropolis- city of the dead
Great Pyramid of Cheops-one of the wonders of the world.
Tutankhamen-a teenage pharoah who died at the age of 18.
mummification- the preservation of the bodies of the dead.

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