Monday, September 14, 2009

Assignment #20 Chapter 5 Section Review 3

1.The Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, and the New Kingdom.
2.Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure. They were the builders of the three largest pyramids at Giza.
3.King Mentuhotep I; Abram and his family entered Egypt in search of food.;Joseph became prime minister of Egypt, Jacob and his family settled in Goshen.

4. Ahmose I ; BECAUSE he wanted to drive out the Hyksos and the Hebrews were kindof like them.
5. Hatshepsut
6.because Egypt reestablished its empire in Asia during this period.;Thutmose III ; HE MAY HAVE BEEN pharoah during the Hebrew exodus.
7.Egypt became a republic and he became their first president.
8.Anwar el-Sadat.By personally negotiating with Israel's prime minister, Menachem Begin.

Giza- where the three largest pyramids are and 8 miles southwest of Cairo.
Great Sphinx- with the head of a man and a body of a lion, bears the likeness of Khafre.
Twelfth Dynasty- the twelfth dynasty kings established their capital at Thebes, expanded Egyptian influence into Asia, and inaugurated huge public works and irrigation projects.
Hyksos- "shepherd kings" or "rulers of foreign countries"
Ramses II- the most outstanding monarch who fought the Hittites in Asia and sponsored much building activity.
Alexandria- important city in Alexander's empire and famous for their great library.
Septuagint- the old testament in Greek.
Ptolemy-one of Alexander's generals that gained control of Egypt and established a Greek dynasty that ruled until Cleopatra's suicide and the Roman conquest in 30 BC Egypt became a part of the Roman empire and later a part of the Arab world.
Cairo- became the center of Egyptian life and one of the great cities of the Arab world.
Suez canal- a canal that the British built.
Hosni Mubarak-successor of Sadat as president of Egypt.

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