Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Assignment #26: Africa Games

Africa Map Game
Ragan- 122 seconds
Rebecca-100 seconds

"Mini Game Demo"
Rebecca- It was kinda fun. It wouldn't let us finish the game. I like how it had the Madagascar movie as it's theme. I liked how the lion was trying to get the meat.

Ragan-This game was really fun. It was the most fun game we've played
so far. I liked it because it was kinda like a video game and it was exciting,
Also, I liked it because it was kindof a challenge. ::::::::)) Over all this game was nice.
Glu Mobile Demo
Rebecca- I didn't like this game. It was too hard.And the lion was annoying.

Ragan- I didnt really enjoy this game .. at all.It was frustrating becuase it
was hard.

All of Africa
Ragan- This game was okay. my partner was good at

it but :) i sucked.

Rebecca- This game was fun... I guess. umm it was kind of hard but i like how they gave us clues.

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