Wednesday, November 11, 2009

section review 2 chap 13

1. Henry II- he held the territories of anjou and aquataine France .
2. King John; treachery, selfishness, and cruelty.
3. It is one of the most imp. documents in the history of the world.
. it forbade the king to levy new taxes wo the agreement of the great councis of nobles.
. the king promised not to deny or delay justice to anyone, noble or not.
. the king promised not to imprison a man "except by the legal judgment of his peers or by the law of the land", further establishing the precedent for the right to trial by jury and due process of law.
4. Montfort; 1265.
5. Edward I.
6. because the independence of Scotland began with the victory of bannockburn.
7. Edward II; Parliament.
8.The Hundred Years War, the people of England further developed and unified as a nation, parliament expanded its powers and became a vital part of english government, parliament divided into two institutions.
9.1337-1453; Crecy, Poitiers and Agincourt; The French won the war and england was defeated.
10. Richard II; he played the tyrant; Henry IV; The House of York.
11. 1455; Edward IV.
12. 1485 and Henry Tudor defeated the last York ruler and became Henry VII.

Richard I- Henry II son that succeeded him.
Eleanor of aquitaine- Richard's mother, maintained the realm, aided by the stable government and justice system that her husband Henry II had established.
constitution- rules for excersise and restraint of governemental power.
HenryIII- became king of england in 1216.

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