Monday, November 9, 2009

Study Guide

Here is your Chapter 12 Study Guide. Be familiar with the following terms/people for your Chapter 12 Test on Wednesday. Complete this study guide and post your answers to your blog for 25 points:

1.feudalism-a way of life based on the ownership and use of land.
2.fief - a piece of land held by one man called a lord.
3.lord - permitted another man(vassal)to use it in return for promised services.
vassal - worked the land for the lord in return for promised services.
knight - heavily armed warriors, wore full body armor, mounted of horses, provided the heart of the kings military force.
chivalry - the code of conduct for the nobility and the knights; good qualities of a warrior-strength, courage, loyalty, treat women with respect.
heraldry - colorful and unique emblems , symbols, and designs displayed on armor , shields , and banners.
castle -heavily fortified dwellings built by nobles; surrounded by a moat; could only be entered by a drawbridge.
joust -two knights fought to knock eachother off their horses.
tournament -groups of knights fought a mock battle that lasted an entire day.
manor - estates that belong to the nobles
serf -farmers that worke d on the manors.
Truce of God - the church forbade fighting from friday through sunday of each week.
Peace of God -priests denied the sacraments t6o persons who robbed churches, took a serfs property, or killed a noncombatant during battle.
burg = city/town; communty of a traveling merchants.
middle class -burghers; b/w nobility and peasants.;expansion of trade.
trade fair -merchants came from all over; towns like leipzig Germany.
guild -consisted of merchants , artisans, craftsmen.
black death -form of the bubonic plague.;Europe devasted ; 25 million people died bw 1334 and 1351 which is almost half of Europe's population.infected fleas on rats spread the disease.
Chaucer -wrote the canterbury tales and recongnized as one of england's greatest poets.
trivium -made up of grammar, rhetoric, and logic.
quadrivium- made up of arithmetic , music, geometry, and astronomy.
scholasticism- theology(roman catholic style)+ greek philosophy (aristotle)
Brethren of the Common Life -christian group founded by the gerhard groote in 1380; all about bible reading, prayer, serving others, and personal devotion; founded schools for kids.
humanism -the worship of humans.
patron -people who useed their own money to support arts.
Sistine Chapel- michelangelo's famous paintings are on the ceilings and walls ; spent four years
Medicis -powerful and influential Florentine family; "Godfathers" of the Renaissance; influenced politics and economics from the 1300s until the 1700s;supported Michelangelo; patrons.
Thomas Aquinas - lived 1225-1274;spoke slowly, called a "dumb ox", but had a brilliant mind.
William of Ockham - 1285-1349; educated at oxford; said the Bible was the ultimate authority.
John Wycliffe - 1320-1384; "Morining star of the reformation"; thought pope's claim of absolute authority over church was wrong; the pope had wycliffe arrested but he didn't waver in his opinion; completed the 1st translation of the bible into english in 1382; his followers were called "lollards"; he was harrassed by Roman church leaders during the last years of his life; more than 30 yrs. after his death the pope commanded that wycliffe's bones be dug up and burned.
John Huss - 1369-1415; follower of wycliffe; the Roman church condemned him and burned him at the stake; his followers were called "Hussites".
Gerhard Groote - he founded the Brethren of the Common Life.
Dante - wrote Divine Comedy (one of the few medieval literature that is still widely read today)
Petrarch - " Father of humanism"
Bocaccio - wrote The Decameron.
Michelangelo -considered the greatest artist of the Renaissance; supported by the Medici family; his famous paintings are on the ceilings and walls of the Sistine Chapel ( he spent 4 yrs. on his back painting gigantic scenes on the ceiling); also well known for marble statues.
Flanders - primary centers of trade for wool; called "Flemish stuffs".
Machiavelli - wrote The Prince.
Giotto -a famous artist of the Renaissance.
DaVinci -aka " Renaissance man" (one who displays talents in all fields); he was a painter, sculptor, musician, inventor, engineer, and best remembered for the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper.
Prague- University of Prague, Germany is the oldest German university and was founded in 1348.

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