Friday, December 11, 2009

chapter 1 review TERMS

AD- anno domini; BC- Before Christ
evolution-a fabled proccess or progressicve change dependant on chance and time, with the orgin o fthe Earth
government-institution that gas bith authority and power to control and direct nations.
severeign-that God has supreme rule over all nations.
deluge-after the flood.
capital punishment-
postdiluvian- after the flood
plain of shinar-where noah's ark had came to rst, mesopotamia
9. babel-baylon.where man rebelled and was dispersed
10.humanism- the worship of man
11. nation- a alarge group of people who think and act of themselves as one .
12.race-people with the same skin color, shape of head,color or hair, and share many physical features.
13. Indo -european-indians from europe

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