Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Section Review 3.2 Asignment #7

Game Scores:
"Hopping Through History"
Rebecca: 35
Ragan: 31
"Kiana Orca Preserve"
Rebecca: 50
Ragan: 43
"History Galactica"
Rebecca: 1
Ragan: 1
"Brick Busters History Game"
Rebecca: 30
Ragan: 28

1. Canaan, Palestine, and Israel. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
2. Judah and Israel.
3. The greatest variety of climate and topography of any country in the world.
4. The ten commandments.
5. That Israel became a theocracy.
6. Phoenicians.
7. David and Solomon.
8. They divided it into the northern( Israel) and the southern( Judah) kingdoms.
9. AD 70.

Abraham: "father of a great nation"
Patriarchs: The founding fathers of the nation of Israel.
Moses: One of the greatest men in the world of history. He got the ten commandments.
Covenant: A solemn agreement.
Theocracy: a nation ruled by God.
The alphabet: a phonetic system of writing in which letters are used to represent sounds rather than things or ideas.
Sinai script: the first true alphabet.
Literacy: The ability to read and write one's own language.
721 BC: When Samaria, the capital of the northern kingdom fell into the Assyrian invaders.
586 BC: When Jerusalem, the capital of the southern kingdom fell into the Babylonian invaders.

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