Monday, November 30, 2009

chapter 13 blog test

1) Complete the following from Chapter 13 Review on page 238 in your book. Post answers to your blog.
a) PEOPLE - do #'s 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 19, 25, 26, 28, 30, 33, 39, 42
1.celts- the earliest known inhabitants of the british isles.
2.Jutes-germanic tribes
angles-germanic tribes
saxons-germanic tribes
5.alfred the great-the 1st great king of england
8.harold godwin-most powerful king of england
9.Wiliam the conquerer-won the battle of hastings , king of england.
19. Joan of arc-was burned at the stake. a peasant girl who united france and led the french army into battle .
25. hugh capet-the french chose him to be king, and he began the capetian line.
26. Louis VI- he strengthened the kings power and the Ile-de-France.
28.Louis IX-Philip's grandson, became France's most memorable king.
30.boniface VIII-a pope who fought with philip the VI.
33-ferdinand and isabella- they married and united Aragon and castile.
39.marco polo-son of italian merchant; explorer
42. Christopher Columbus-an italian navigator that tried to find the east indies

2) Answer the following questions and post to your blog:
Who were the earliest known inhabitants of the British Isles? celts
What were the dates of the Hundred Years’ War? 1337-1453
Which Germanic tribe conquered Spain in the 5th century? visigoths

Which name did the Romans give to Spain? hispania
These were Muslims from North Africa who invaded Spain: moors
What does “reconquista” mean?re-conquest
Name 4 nations that developed in Europe during the Middle Ages. :france, spain, england, and portugal.
What is the name of the monument in Southern England that may have been an ancient Celtic worship site? stonehenge.
Which Germanic tribe named England? The Angles.
Which Anglo-Saxon poet lived in the 7th century? (Hint: There’s a Christian band named after him) Caedmon.
Who was crowned king of France in 987 AD? Hugh Capet.
Which French king was St. Louis, MO named after? Louis IX.
What was the French Estates-General composed of? (List them out) First- clergy; Second- nobles; Third- commoners.
Which peninsula is Spain located on? Iberian Peninsula.
Name 3 Germanic tribes. Celts, Carthaginians, and Visigoths.
Which countries fought during the Hundred Years’ War? Who won?England and France; France.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Joan of Arc

I would rather die than do something which I know to be a sin, or to be against God's will.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

section review 2 chap 13

1. Henry II- he held the territories of anjou and aquataine France .
2. King John; treachery, selfishness, and cruelty.
3. It is one of the most imp. documents in the history of the world.
. it forbade the king to levy new taxes wo the agreement of the great councis of nobles.
. the king promised not to deny or delay justice to anyone, noble or not.
. the king promised not to imprison a man "except by the legal judgment of his peers or by the law of the land", further establishing the precedent for the right to trial by jury and due process of law.
4. Montfort; 1265.
5. Edward I.
6. because the independence of Scotland began with the victory of bannockburn.
7. Edward II; Parliament.
8.The Hundred Years War, the people of England further developed and unified as a nation, parliament expanded its powers and became a vital part of english government, parliament divided into two institutions.
9.1337-1453; Crecy, Poitiers and Agincourt; The French won the war and england was defeated.
10. Richard II; he played the tyrant; Henry IV; The House of York.
11. 1455; Edward IV.
12. 1485 and Henry Tudor defeated the last York ruler and became Henry VII.

Richard I- Henry II son that succeeded him.
Eleanor of aquitaine- Richard's mother, maintained the realm, aided by the stable government and justice system that her husband Henry II had established.
constitution- rules for excersise and restraint of governemental power.
HenryIII- became king of england in 1216.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Study Guide

Here is your Chapter 12 Study Guide. Be familiar with the following terms/people for your Chapter 12 Test on Wednesday. Complete this study guide and post your answers to your blog for 25 points:

1.feudalism-a way of life based on the ownership and use of land.
2.fief - a piece of land held by one man called a lord.
3.lord - permitted another man(vassal)to use it in return for promised services.
vassal - worked the land for the lord in return for promised services.
knight - heavily armed warriors, wore full body armor, mounted of horses, provided the heart of the kings military force.
chivalry - the code of conduct for the nobility and the knights; good qualities of a warrior-strength, courage, loyalty, treat women with respect.
heraldry - colorful and unique emblems , symbols, and designs displayed on armor , shields , and banners.
castle -heavily fortified dwellings built by nobles; surrounded by a moat; could only be entered by a drawbridge.
joust -two knights fought to knock eachother off their horses.
tournament -groups of knights fought a mock battle that lasted an entire day.
manor - estates that belong to the nobles
serf -farmers that worke d on the manors.
Truce of God - the church forbade fighting from friday through sunday of each week.
Peace of God -priests denied the sacraments t6o persons who robbed churches, took a serfs property, or killed a noncombatant during battle.
burg = city/town; communty of a traveling merchants.
middle class -burghers; b/w nobility and peasants.;expansion of trade.
trade fair -merchants came from all over; towns like leipzig Germany.
guild -consisted of merchants , artisans, craftsmen.
black death -form of the bubonic plague.;Europe devasted ; 25 million people died bw 1334 and 1351 which is almost half of Europe's population.infected fleas on rats spread the disease.
Chaucer -wrote the canterbury tales and recongnized as one of england's greatest poets.
trivium -made up of grammar, rhetoric, and logic.
quadrivium- made up of arithmetic , music, geometry, and astronomy.
scholasticism- theology(roman catholic style)+ greek philosophy (aristotle)
Brethren of the Common Life -christian group founded by the gerhard groote in 1380; all about bible reading, prayer, serving others, and personal devotion; founded schools for kids.
humanism -the worship of humans.
patron -people who useed their own money to support arts.
Sistine Chapel- michelangelo's famous paintings are on the ceilings and walls ; spent four years
Medicis -powerful and influential Florentine family; "Godfathers" of the Renaissance; influenced politics and economics from the 1300s until the 1700s;supported Michelangelo; patrons.
Thomas Aquinas - lived 1225-1274;spoke slowly, called a "dumb ox", but had a brilliant mind.
William of Ockham - 1285-1349; educated at oxford; said the Bible was the ultimate authority.
John Wycliffe - 1320-1384; "Morining star of the reformation"; thought pope's claim of absolute authority over church was wrong; the pope had wycliffe arrested but he didn't waver in his opinion; completed the 1st translation of the bible into english in 1382; his followers were called "lollards"; he was harrassed by Roman church leaders during the last years of his life; more than 30 yrs. after his death the pope commanded that wycliffe's bones be dug up and burned.
John Huss - 1369-1415; follower of wycliffe; the Roman church condemned him and burned him at the stake; his followers were called "Hussites".
Gerhard Groote - he founded the Brethren of the Common Life.
Dante - wrote Divine Comedy (one of the few medieval literature that is still widely read today)
Petrarch - " Father of humanism"
Bocaccio - wrote The Decameron.
Michelangelo -considered the greatest artist of the Renaissance; supported by the Medici family; his famous paintings are on the ceilings and walls of the Sistine Chapel ( he spent 4 yrs. on his back painting gigantic scenes on the ceiling); also well known for marble statues.
Flanders - primary centers of trade for wool; called "Flemish stuffs".
Machiavelli - wrote The Prince.
Giotto -a famous artist of the Renaissance.
DaVinci -aka " Renaissance man" (one who displays talents in all fields); he was a painter, sculptor, musician, inventor, engineer, and best remembered for the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper.
Prague- University of Prague, Germany is the oldest German university and was founded in 1348.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Assignment # 36

Complete Chapter 12 Section Review 1 plus Identify was a way of life based upon the ownership and use of land.
2.a vassal worked for the Lord.
3.They were made of stone and bricksthey had moats and a drawbridge;The casltes defenders stood on top of the walls and turrets, raining arrows, rocks, boiling tar, or oil.
4.jousting tournaments, falconry.
5.peasant farmers ; they were poor and didnt have anything.
6.truce of God and peace of God.

feudalism-a way of life based upon the ownership and use of land.
king- at the top of the feudal system.
crownland- the land the kings kept for their personal use.
knight- heavinly armed warriors, weraing full body armor and mounted on horses.
chilvary- the code of conduct for the noblity and the knights.
heraldry-coat of arms.
manor-estates that belonged to the nobles.
demesne-the Lords field.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Assignment #35

Complete Chapter 9 Section Review 2 plus Identify on page 147
1. Tertullian.
2.Paul and Peter; Paul-beheaded and Peter- crucified upside down.
3.Domitian;refused to pray to the emperor but prayed for him; John.
4.vast, subterranean galleries beneath the city of Rome; They used them for refuge, worship, and burial.
5.Trajan; Ignatius.
6.Justin Martyr and Blandina.
7.Septimus Severus; Irenaeus, Perpetua, and Felicitas.
8.Valerian and Aurelian; Cyprian of Carthage.
9.He outlawed Christianity and ordered a systematic search that swept away hundreds of Biblical manuscripts in Asia Minor and Syria; the goal was to eradicate Christianity from the face of the earth, cities of Christians were burned down and tons of believers were fed to wild beasts.
10. Edict of Milan; 313 AD.

martyr-Christians that were tortured and killed folr their faith.
Book of the Revelation-Apocalypse.
Polycarp-the aged bishop of Smyrna who was arrested and martyred in 155 AD.
Maximinus Thrax- emperor of the sixth persecution.
Decius- emperor during the seventh peresecution.
Origen- a Christian philosopher and theologian from Alexandria.
Maximian- Diocletian's co-emperor during the tenth persecution.
Galerius- emperor that, in 311, he proclaimed the toleration of Christians in the east.
Constantine I- did the Edict of Milan.

3) Complete Chapter 9 Section Review 3 plus Identify on page 150
1.Clement of Rome;Ignatius, Polycarp, and Papias.
2.Arsitides-Apology to Antonius Pius; Justin Martyr-Apology to Antonius Pius ; Tatian- Address to the Greeks.

3.Irenaeus; Against all Heresies.
6.the Latin Vulgate.
7.Ambrose of Milan and John Chrysostom.
8. Augustine; "Confessions" and "City of God."
9.Apostle's Creed; Nicene Creed; and the Athanasian.
10. 325 AD;Constantinople,Chalcedon, and Ephesus.
11. Theodosius I; false converts filled the church; false converts were pagans and their views and practices found their way into the church.

church fathers-preachers and teachers who expounded the scriptures, defended the faith, and championed the cause of Christ.
apologists-early Christian writers who attempted to reasonably defend Christianity against pagan defamations.
Gnosticism-combined elements of Greek philosophy, Oriental religion, and Chrsitain theology.
Monarchianism-denied the doctrine of the Trinity.
creeds-confessions of faith.
Arianism-denied the deity of Christ.