Thursday, May 6, 2010

chapter 26 section review 3

1.chaing kai-shek; mao tse- tung;nationlist
2.the soviet union
3.George marshall
5.independant chinese farmers
6.800,000 people Il- Sung;syngeman rhee
8. 38th parallel
9.1950-1953;douglas mCarthur
10.300,000 FRESH communist chinese volunteers came;he advocated all out measures for victory, includung bombing communist china's military bases, supply lines, dams, and bridges;president Truman;he believed the war should be contained; communist won

five year plan-mao's communist plan
great leap foward- the second five year plan
cultural revolution- when mao wanted to purge china of all counter revolutionaries and foreign
red guards- gangs of chinese communist
gang of four-the power struggle after mao's death
deng xaioping- emerged as communist china most powerful leader.
pusan perimeter- where the Americans and south Koreans were forced to retreat.
inchon-and suprise landing by macarthur
limited warfare- truman's policy that refused to use all available military strength to win a complete victory .

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