Friday, December 11, 2009

chapter 1 review . INDENTIFICATION

1.incarnation, brith, life, death, resurrection , and ascension
2.1700 years before Christ
3.Ham, Shem, Japheth
4.Nimrod"the rebel"
5.The Tower of babel
6.Sumerians and Egyptians.
7.Asia, Alaska, Russia.

1.History- the wriiten record, the memory of mankind.; because I you didnt study history, then noone would know where they came from. knows right from wrong; language and thought,and freedom to make choices.
4.ancient , medieval, and modern history.
5.ancient history; hiatory to come: medieval- history that came already; modern- the present
6.civil governemt- society
7.beause without that we would hace the neccessities of life,
8.languages, an

chapter 1 review TERMS

AD- anno domini; BC- Before Christ
evolution-a fabled proccess or progressicve change dependant on chance and time, with the orgin o fthe Earth
government-institution that gas bith authority and power to control and direct nations.
severeign-that God has supreme rule over all nations.
deluge-after the flood.
capital punishment-
postdiluvian- after the flood
plain of shinar-where noah's ark had came to rst, mesopotamia
9. babel-baylon.where man rebelled and was dispersed
10.humanism- the worship of man
11. nation- a alarge group of people who think and act of themselves as one .
12.race-people with the same skin color, shape of head,color or hair, and share many physical features.
13. Indo -european-indians from europe

chapter 1 review

Thursday, December 10, 2009

assignment #40

Here is your blog assignment for after you finish your Ch. 14 Test:
1) Read pp. 256-259
2) Complete SR 1 on Page 259 plus Identify
1.the peasants lived under the hardship of their feudal lords and they had tried to revolt several times before the revolution but each time they were defeated; the nobles responded harshly and crushed the peasants taking back what little freedom they had to begin with.
2.He gave the Lutherans until April 1531 to return to the Roman church or face war; the Peace of Augsburg; 1555 each prince would decide which religion their province would be.
3. Counter-Reformation; to produce certain limited changes(mostly in the morals if the clergy) within the Roman church.
4.Jesuits; to form a group of men absolutely dedicated tothe pope and the Roman church.
5. They spread Romanism.
Augsburg Confession-

4) Read pp. 260-263
5) Complete SR 2 on Page 263 plus Identify